Addon to make setting automaton attachments easier. Currently only works as pup main. Includes burden tracker.

Author: Nitrous Nitrous@guildwork


All in-game commands are prefixed with //acon or //autocontrol Formated with Command + Argument Ex.//acon saveset setname1

Command Argument Description
help   Brings up this menu.
setlist   List all saved automaton sets.
saveset setname Saves “setname” to your settings
equipset setname Equips “setname” to your automaton.
attlist setname Gets the attachment list for a giving set.
list   Gets the list of currenty equipped attachments.

Burden Tracker

The following all commands correspond to the burden tracker.

Command Argument Description
fonttype name Changes tracker font type where “name” equals desired font.
fontsize size Changes tracker font size where “size” equals desired size.
pos x y Changes the coordinates of the tracker.
bgcolor r g b Changes the color of the tracker background, where “r”, “g”, “b” equal values 0-255.
txtcolor r g b Changes the color of the tracker text, where “r”, “g”, “b” equal values 0-255.
settings   Shows your current settings.
show / hide   Toggles visibility of the tracker so you can make changes.

Default Configuration

Default configurations can be adjusted at the following location: ...addons\autocontrol\data\settings.xml

To hide maneuver timers set <maneuvertimers>false</maneuvertimers>. Toggle in game with //acon maneuvertimers or //acon mt.

To hide burden tracker set <burdentracker>false</burdentracker>. Toggle in game with //acon show and //acon hide.

Default Sets

Two attachments sets are included by default:

  • healer
  • melrng


The latest source and information for this addon can be found on GitHub.