Author: Ragnarok.Ikonic

Displays tell, party, and linkshell chat to alternate character and optional textbox. Also, allows you to reply from either character.

Requires two characters to both be using addon for it to work. Currently only tested and supporting two characters.

Basic Commands

//ChatPorter and //cp are both valid commands.


cp help

Lists this menu.


cp status

Shows current configuration.


cp textbox

Shows current textbox configurations.


cp colors

Shows possible color codes.

toggle on/off

cp toggle

Toggles ChatPorter on/off.

toggle messages

cp [l|p|t] [toggle|displaychat]
Toggles linkshell party tell messages from showing or not.

set color

cp [l|p|t] color #
Sets color of l p t text (acceptable values of 1-255).

toggle textboxes

cp [l|p|t|f] show
Toggles l p t textboxes from showing.

configure textboxes

cp [l|p|t|f] [fontname|fn, lines, fontsize|fs, x, y, alpha|a, red|r, green|g, blue|b] #
Sets l p t textbox specifics.

send message

[l2|p2|t2 name|r2] message
Sends message from second character to linkshell party tell reply.

send message to ffochat

[f#|cp f#] message

Sends message from second character to ffochat channel.

show detailed commands

cp help detail

Shows detailed ChatPorter commands.

show textbox commands

cp help textbox

Shows detailed textbox commands.

Detailed Commands

linkshell message

l2 message

Sends message from second character to linkshell.

party message

p2 message

Sends message from second character to party.

tell message

t2 name message

Sends message from second character to name in tell.

reply message

r2 message

Sends reply message from second character.

ffochat message

f# message

Sends message from second character to FFOChat channel #. Works for 1-5.

cp f# message

Same as f#, but for any #.

Textbox Commands

toggle messages

cp [l|p|t|f] [toggle|displaychat]
Toggles linkshell party tell ffochat messages from showing or not.

set colors

cp [l|p|t] color #
Sets color of l p t text (acceptable values of 1-255).

toggle textbox

cp [l|p|t|f] show
Toggles l p t f textboxes from showing.

clear textbox

cp [l|p|t|f] clear
Clears l p t f textbox.

set lines

cp [l|p|t|f] lines #

Sets # of lines to show in textbox.

set font name

cp [l|p|t|f] [fontname|fn] *

Sets fontname for textbox.

set font size

cp [l|p|t|f] [fontsize|fs] #

Sets fontsize for textbox.

set position

cp [l|p|t|f] x #

Sets x coordinate for textbox (acceptable values: 10-1014).

cp [l|p|t|f] y #

Sets y coordinate for textbox (acceptable values: 10-758).

set transparency

cp [l|p|t|f] [alpha|a] #

Sets alpha (transparency) for textbox (acceptable values: 1-255; 0=fully transparent, 255=fully visible).

set text color

cp [l|p|t|f] [red|r] #

Sets red value for RGB color of text in textbox.

cp [l|p|t|f] [green|g] #

Sets green value for RGB color of text in textbox.

cp [l|p|t|f] [blue|b] #

Sets blue value for RGB color of text in textbox.


The latest source and information for this addon can be found on GitHub.