Displays the current time in various time zones around the world in a customizable format on the screen.


Time format

clock format [new]

If new is provided, will set that as the new format, according to these rules. If omitted, will print out the current format.


clock sort [order]

If order is provided, will set that as the new sorting order. If omitted, will print out the current sorting order. Valid values are:

  • None: Leaves the order as it is defined in the file
  • Alphabetical: Sorts them alphabetically by their time zone abbreviation
  • Time: Sorts them according to the time they display in ascending order

Add time zone

clock add <timezones...>

Appends a time zone to the list of currently displayed time zones. The timezone parameter needs to be one of these abbreviations.

Remove time zone

clock remove <timezones...>

Removes a time zone from the list of currently displayed time zones. The timezone parameter needs to be one of these abbreviations.

Set up time zone display

clock display <timezone> <name>

Sets the display name for a time zone, instead of displaying the time zone identifier. So clock display jst JP clock would display JP clock before the time instead of JST.


The latest source and information for this addon can be found on GitHub.