Author: Cairthenn
Version: 1.1
Date: Nov. 11, 2015

  • Allows you to specify custom gear models for yourself, others, or individual players. Also allows for 1:1 model replacement similar to the functionality of .DAT swapping.
  • Emulates BlinkMeNot functionality to prevent model blinking.
  • Uses packets.


  • DressUp uses settings.xml in its data folder for all settings related to models and blinking.
  • If you choose to edit this manually, this file uses model IDs for gear. You can look up the appropriate model IDs in the files in the main directory.

Abbreviation: //du


  1. help : Shows a menu of commands in game
  2. self/others/player <player name (if player was selected)> [race/face/] [//]
    • Assigns models to yourself, others, or an individual player as specified.
    • Supports IDs as well as names for items/races. Specify male or female if necessary.
  3. clear [self/others/player] [race/face/]
    • Clears settings for the selection. Player name specific to player option.
  4. replace [race/face/]
    • Handles 1:1 replacement, similar to .DAT swapping.
  5. blinking [self/others/party/follow/all] [always/target/combat/all] [on/off]
    • Changes blinking settings. Toggles if nothing is specified.
    • Also accepts “bmn” and “blinkmenot” as command prefix.
  6. autoupdate
    • Your character’s appearance will update as you type commands if this setting is on.
  7. load/save/delete
    • Creates a profile to be used for your own characters appearance.
    • Profiles named JOB or NAME_JOB will be checked for on job changes.

Example Commands

//du self race tarutaru f
//du self face 3a
//du player Bob face 1b
//du clear player Bob race
//du blinking party combat off
//bmn self always on
//du autoupdate
//du save BLM
//du self body "Usukane Haramaki"

To Do

  • Add weapons, ranged weapons, and shield models.
  • Allow for monster models.
    • While this is currently possible, others seem to lose their animations if transformed into a monster.
  • Refine profile system


The latest source and information for this addon can be found on GitHub.